Book Demo











Increase leads

Maximize the ability to have your Guests take action. Turn prospect travelers into loyal customers.

Build Reliance

Engage with your customers through reviews, stories and experiences that educate, entertain and enthuse.

Be Found

Get noticed by Guests looking for your promotions and services online.


Hotel Booking Engine will convert the pricing to match visitor's locale price. Currency exchange rates are managed by live on-demand bank data.


Translate and view your website in more than 20 different languages. Increase your marketability to worldwide travelers.



0% Commission
Personalize Experience

You are in control. Guests 'journey' experience matters. Own the Guests relationship at every stage of the customer 'journey'.

Managed Sales Packages

Any MSP's created by your revenue manager will be posted in real-time on the Booking Engine. You can augment price and rates to make your inventory attractive all year round.

More Profit

Your hotel Mobile Booking platform showcases and drives Direct Bookings securely. Any room inventory reserved, booked and paid through the Hotels custom channels are Commission Free.

Upsell & Deals

Track and create Upsells for Guests on desktop, tablet and smartphone devices on-demand. Connect to services that generate revenue and create experiences for Guests that can be shared on social media with friends and family.

Digital Branding

Your hotel name is your brand. Digital brand online distribution helps your Guests remember, recognize and return for more memorable experiences.






Did you know 35.2% of Guests opted for pre-paid arrivals upgrades?

Book Online

Hotel Site-In-A Box is a special rapid deployment tool-kit for Hoteliers that customizes the Booking Engine and provides an integrated web solution that is ready to use. Provides the Hoteliers digital capability of taking Guests bookings directly from Hotel’s website and mobile device.

Direct Guests Engagement

Direct bookings from Direct Channels increases number of reservation and RevPAR. Create meaningful seasonal sales packages. Direct engagement tools provide access to interactive social media and allows direct Guests interaction giving unbounded control over the Guests journey.

Before Arrival Upsell

Point Click Stay provides a custom Hotel App with amazing features like upsell and Guests communication. As a Hoteliers, you can start building a welcoming experience even before the Guests arrives. Yet another direct connection with the Guests to make the journey more personable.

On-Premise Increase Satisfaction

Increase satisfaction by providing your Guests with dynamically updated local events, festivals, local market fairs, art gallery exhibitions and cuisine. Enrich you Guests experience with local area connections to restaurants, spa's and joint promotions. Stay connected even while Guests are on-premise with our fully integrated Guests Communication System.

Loyalty Member Conversion

Guests conversion to Loyalty Members starts as soon as the booking is made and continues during well after the Guests leaves. Unique experiences, shared interaction and cash rewards move Guests to become Loyalty Members. Surprise and delight Loyalty Members by creating a personalized pool reward system.