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3 Ways A Channel Manager Can Change Your Life as a Hotel Manager

It can get very hectic and annoying when you have to manually put in the information and numbers regarding the reservation, along with numerous other tasks you have to look into. Do you often discover yourself reserving the same room twice? Or maybe find yourself spending time logging in data monotonously, which you wished some technology could take over and do?

Well, the relieving piece of information here is that such technology does exist. Such technology can certainly help you benefit tremendously by managing your time, cost, and customer relationships. With the growth in the use of cell phones around the world, you will come to realize through statistics that most of your bookings occur through mobile phones. So, you also need to make sure the technology you use facilitates this rising spectacle.

The technology mentioned above is known as a Channel Manager. Nowadays, it is up-to-the-minute as a part of one-stop cloud-based structures that offer hotel owners a complete reservation control solution.

Along with the benefits, it is important to be aware of the criteria for Choosing The Correct Channel Manager for Your Hotel.

1. Management of Prices, Availability, & Booking Engine

A Channel Manager enables the booking of rooms in real-time from multiple booking platforms. On the other hand, it will also instantaneously update your Property Management System regarding the availability status of rooms. This will assist to put the room inventory of your property to be more accurate and dismiss the possibility of double booking.

Another necessary feature to benefit from is that the channel manager is capable of supervising the rates and availability of your rooms on your booking engine as well as the additional channels you are connected to.  

Booking engines, which are normally recognized as the ‘book now’ feature, are one of the important modes for magnifying your virtual presence. These booking engines are templated on hotel websites and social media platforms. They help to funnel your direct guest traffic to your hotel website. These booking engines, together with expert web design style, drive lookers into visitors and convert them into real bookings.

While selecting an all-in-one reservation management solution, make sure it perfectly fits your hosting & branding needs.  Ensure that it consists of a booking engine with an expertly designed website. The website and booking engine should augment your brand & drive commission-free bookings. Adding your personalized booking engine to a list on social media sites is another route to increase the percentage of direct bookings. This means that your hotel logo, high-definition images of your rooms, and other areas on your property should be well highlighted. After all, a picture is a thousand words.

2. Reach Around the Globe

Facilitating your audience with more than one method to book your hotel is an important part of increasing your reservations. The use of booking websites such as Expedia & Hotwire opens up you to the possibilities of a worldwide audience. In reality, if you are a part of a list on reservation websites you've got a better possibility of being booked immediately at your website, known as the ‘Billboard Effect’ aka ‘Free Advertising.’

The automatic uploading of your information by the channel managers about your availability enables you to allocate your complete inventory to each of your preferred Online Travel Agencies. Thereby, enabling you to capitalize on your opportunity of promoting all your rooms online while not having concerns regarding double bookings.

3. Saves Your Time

It must have crossed your mind at some point that an application similar to this has to come with a large price tag, but to your surprise, each dollar spent this way is worth much more than the time of spending hours supervising calendars for just one booking site. A Channel Manager will help you manage the price, rates, and availability of your rooms. This will be across multiple channels to include your branding websites, multiple OTA channels, and numerous social media sites from one single platform saving a huge amount of time and money.

With the convenience of a channel manager, you will not need to be required to log on to multiple Online Travel Agents and global distribution systems. You will be able to operate without the anxiety of creating duplicated promotion packages or managing multiple calendars individually on different sites.  

With the presence of sophisticated channel manager technology, you will not have to check the availability and the distribution of your room inventory, updates, booking notifications, reservation status, and cancellations. In fact, as soon as there is any modification regarding the booking or reservation status from any channel, it is updated across all integrated platforms in real-time. This will help avoid duplications and provide you with peace of mind.

A channel manager administrates your estate’s rates and availability throughout the channels, such as your very own website, concurrently and effortlessly. It also lets you supervise your bookings without problems, alter your prices and stock, and easily update inclusions for all sites, from one single login.

You will not be stuck staring and clicking on the screen to make sure that all the data is in harmony. Instead, with this system, you can easily check the status on the go while spending time with your family or on other administrative tasks.

The channel manager has the tools to create promotions and upsells. These are referred to as Managed Sales Packages or promos for guests. It also makes the distribution of the MSPs across multiple channels with a single click. The idea here is that the host is able to point click and integrate these promotions with OTAs and other social media platforms with ease.