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Simplify Your Life at Property Through Hotel Technology

Nice to see you here! Ready to learn technology?

Thinking about technology in a general sense can be frightening. Technology may seem complicated, expensive, and difficult to understand. When you first think about using technology to run your property, instead of the methods you are used to, it is natural to feel nervous.

Ultimately, though, it is designed to be unique; creators and developers of technology try to solve problems and make life easier for its users. If you have just acquired hotel technology, this blog will give you an easy overview of technology in hotels, in terms of performance.


We hope it helps you to gain a better understanding. Assemble!

What is hotel technology?

Today the technology we are talking about is related to computers, digitalization, and electronics - the internet is playing an important role as most of the technology is now working on the internet.

Despite the size of the industry, hotel technology is still a relatively new concept, introduced in the last decade or two. For this reason, there is a great opportunity for many hotel owners to get the upper hand over their competition by using technology to influence their decisions and achieve their goals.

Hotel technology often refers to the collection of tools and software building managers like you to accomplish tasks in their small business. For businesses like yours, time is a lot like money so most of the technology is designed according to the principles of simplicity and speed while helping to improve visitor self-awareness as well.

What kinds of technologies are available in your small area?

To quickly give you an idea of what types of technologies you may encounter, here is a general list:

  • ·         Online distribution technology
  • ·         Direct booking technology
  • ·         Revenue management technology
  • ·         Assets management technology
  • ·         Business intelligence technology
  • ·         Website and SEO technology
  • ·         Guest technology
  • ·         Marketing technology

This may seem overwhelming, we hear it. Many small buildings tend to use real estate management technology as their primary solution or use comprehensive systems that include online distribution, direct booking technology, and websites.

Here is a summary of each of these and how they make the lives of hoteliers easier.

Asset management technology

An architecture management system (or front desk system) is online software that helps you organize and execute architectural tasks automatically. It will assist managers and owners to track and review bookings, inventory, check-in and check-out options, home maintenance, guest profiles and contacts, extensions and promotions, and more.

PMS is very useful because everything can be done with the click of a button and it is updated quickly. Many systems are also easy to use or have a mobile app to control the environment while taking care of other tasks such as purchasing utensils or changing linen, on any device.

Property management systems can work with online booking engines and channel managers. More on them below.

Online distribution technology

Imagine updating your room details once, and updating everywhere automatically in this space you will find channel managers, who simplify and improve your capability to retail your rooms through sites like, Expedia, Airbnb, or other online travel. Agencies (OTAs) Channel managers allow you to interact with as many people as you like without having to split your list of names between different sites. This is because the system interconnects and brings up-to-date data in real-time to ensure that you are not booked twice. If a room is for sale at, the number of available rooms will be reduced accordingly across all your other connected channels.

Direct booking technology

Direct booking technology is exactly what it says. A technology that allows your visitors to book with you directly through what is known as a booking engine. An online reservation engine enables to accept reservations through websites or social media accounts. Visitors can simply click ‘book now’ on your sites and begin the booking process. Once the booking is completed you will receive all the revenue, without having to pay a commission to anyone. For small areas that work with a tight budget, it may be beneficial to avoid commissioning costs for sites like where possible. Their marketing power will always be useful anyway, so it’s important to find a good balance between the two channels.

Website technology

Having a website does not mean that you need expensive and time-consuming web developers. Instead, you can use a template website builder. Hotel website builders are a portion of software that creates beautiful websites, ready for Google in minutes. With the right provider, users do not need any design skills or technical proficiency to administrate and update the website. Everything is made simple, but custom enough to make it different. The result is a website travelers will enjoy exploring and will have plenty of opportunities to book a place after a good online experience.

These technologies are cloud-based systems.

As for other technologies, hospitality technology is important for your small business. This refers to how visitors will interact with your accommodation. Will the rooms have switches or light buttons? Bluetooth entertainment apps? Racks hot bath towel? The technology that makes your guests enjoy it will depend entirely on your budget and the image of the product you are trying to make. The most important thing is to give guests accurate expectations of their stay and to meet expectations throughout the stay.

How will hotel technology make life easier for your business?

The hotel software can help you achieve your desired lifestyle, by saving hours of time and making it harder, much easier. You do not have to do everything yourself or do everything yourself. No one enters the hostel to do paperwork or browse. Think of software as a helper that allows you to be more productive. Technology takes care of annoying things, allowing you to focus on visitors who live in your area. Having the time to take care of their needs will make you the perfect host and improve the success of your business.

The ability to manage your location remotely is also a great benefit, giving you the freedom to live your life and manage your business on your own terms, choosing where your time is best spent.

Important take

Technology is designed to make tasks easier and save time,

As a new name, hotel technology is still young and growing,

It can also help to improve visitor information,

The property management system helps to plan and automate building operations,

Channel managers simplify and enhance your sales ability through sites such as Airbnb,, Expedia, or other online tourism agencies,

An online booking engine actually allows you to accept bookings directly through your website or social media accounts,

Hotel website builders are a piece of software that creates beautiful, easy-to-use websites on Google in minutes,

Hotel software can help save your desired lifestyle, by saving hours and making what has been a lot easier,

Technology programs can collect and report large amounts of data, making it easier for you to develop strategies and put plans into practice in your area.



Lastly, technology gives you that little idea of how your business is performing. This makes it easier for you to develop strategies and implement programs in your area to gain as many visitors as possible and increase profits. It can often be a necessary investment if you want your business to grow. One thing to keep in mind is that not all technologies are properly designed or designed to be a single size that fits everything. You need to look for solutions that address your individual assets.